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Being a parent comes with its many challenges, including keeping your home clean as often as possible! Many of us don’t love cleaning, and Bourgeois Baby agrees! Because we believe in making life as stress-free as possible, we have a few ways to make your cleaning easier than ever before. Clean your fan blades with pillow cases. Avoid dusters that might just spread the particles around your room further. Places a pillow case over your blades and pull off slowly. The dust will collect in the case and prevent further clean up. Use rubber gloves to clean fur off of furniture....

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Whether you’re pregnant with your first or fifth baby, redecorating your nursery for your new family member is always exciting! If you’re stumped on how you can make a unique space for your little one that also fits in with your style, we have a few trends we’ve seen rise in the first half of 2016! Pastels are back. Many might few pastels in nurseries as a timeless classic, but they were on the outs for some time! We’re excited to see these light and subtle colors making a comeback because they sure look soft next to all the other kiddish...

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Most growing families will get to a point where they realize they need to cut back on their expenses, but sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint where that cut back should be. Clothing is a great way to start saving money by shopping smart, watching for deals, and remembering these tips from Bourgeois Baby. Buy staple items. Whether this is for you, your spouse, or your children, staple items will get you through the worst times. Having a white blouse, a black skirt, a black suit, a good pair of running shoes, or a winter jacket. Depending on your lifestyle, these...

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Being a parent sure is harder than others might have described it in the past, but Bourgeois Baby recognizes how hard moms (and dads) work everyday to be great role models for their little ones. That being said, we can think of a few small victories we love accomplishing and want to share them with you. Our kids being polite without being prompted. Nothing tells us that our children are listening (if only a little) quite like saying "please" and "thank you" without our help. It's a small reminder we're actually doing something right! Getting a night of sleep without any...

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Being a parent often means being creative with the ways we handle our babies and toddlers, and Bourgeois Baby recognizes those hardworking parents! We know how exciting it is to find new trinkets and other items that help us with our usual day-to-day. If you’ve been looking for new gadgets that will make you and your child’s life easier, check out these 5 awesome tools. 1) Sound machines. Though complete silence might seem like the right move when it comes to nap and bedtime, babies are used to noises while in the uterus! Sound machines have a variety of noises for...

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