When Bourgeois Baby was doing market research, one word came up repeatedly-waterproof. Mom’s were looking for a quality waterproof bib! The initial Bourgeois Baby bib prototype included the 3 layer terry cloth backing style. While the terry cloth is absorbent, protective, durable, and functional (and stylish- of course!)- extremely large amounts of liquid could potentially soak all the way through.
This was when Jamie had her “aha!” moment. Having heavily researched cloth diapering for her daughter Vera, she remembered that there was a unique waterproof outer fabric on modern cloth diapers. As it turns out- PUL also makes an excellent bib material!
Bourgeois Baby bibs made with PUL are 100% waterproof, lightweight, durable, and long lasting! All of our bib styles come with the option of PUL backing or terry cloth backing. Both are excellent choices. But if you are looking for 100% waterproof style bibs without the stiffness and crinkle, then the PUL backing is the practical option for your hip little one!