Nap Time -

Nap Time: Journal

When I was pregnant with Vera, I bought a journal with the idea that I would write to her about my experiences with being pregnant with her, her birth story, her milestones, and family stories and other things along her life. The idea came from a culmination of various journaling and writing I’d done when I was younger as well as realizing that as time passes memories fade. What better way to capture her life and what was going on around her and in her family than real time journaling?

I didn’t get a chance to start the journal before she was born because she came unexpectantly 9 weeks before her due date so the opening entries focus on the her birth and beginning days in the NICU. But I’ve kept all her milestones, her growth, and other anecdotes that I think she would want to know when she is an adult. I’ve even begun including funny stories about her family (like her Grammy losing her pants on a ride at Disney). I will probably start writing not so funny things, too, but for now I tell her how much I love her and what a wonderful girl I think she is.

I’m not sure when I will give them to her; I guess I will know when the time is right. But when she naps, I write to her. There will be a time when she will be spending more time with her friends than with me, so I will write to her then as well. I hope that when she becomes a mother (I do hope so!) that these journals will give her even more insight about motherhood.

Maybe beginning a journal for your child can be your Nap Time resolution? It will be a wonderful gift that when they grow into adults and hopefully even parents of their own children, will cherish your gift of memories and family story.
